Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Doc Appt Update

Hi all - just an update from today's appointment with the OB at UAB...

Still no symptoms of continued cardiac / heart problems, which means that the meds are still working! Unfortunately, the OB still wants me to stay home on "modified bed rest" & not go back to work just yet. Even though I am doing well, she doesn't want anything to "spike" my symptoms & cause me to go back to the hospital again :(
I asked the doctor what the earliest was that they would induce & she indicated that it would likely be at 39 weeks (which I will be on Feb 18).

She did check my cervix while I was in the office & she said that I was still dilated at 2.5cm, but that my cervix was "very soft", which means that baby is getting ready to come!! After seeing that, the doc said that it would surprise her if I made it to the 39 week mark - meaning that we may have a baby in the next couple of weeks!!!!

Currently I am taking a handful of medications to keep my heart rate stable - one of which is a blood thinner. Unfortunately, the blood thinner I'm currently taking I can't take when I am in labor / deliver the baby, so I have to switch to a different one - which means another (shorter) hospital stay to make the switch & re-stabilize. I have made arrangements to be re-admitted on Saturday (Jan 28) & should be there no longer than 2-5 days. Hopefully it will be closer to 2 days & it will be the last hospitalization before Baby B arrives!

I will continue to post updates on Baby B's progress! Thank you again for all of the continued thoughts & prayers throughout this crazy time!

1 comment:

  1. A selfish benefit for me that results from your bedrest is increased blog posting and pinterest pinning!! I love reading the blog and scanning pinterest for your finds. Love you and BB.
