Greetings! Sorry for the late-week post this time! Short work weeks always seem to throw me for a loop...
I hope that everybody had a great Labor Day weekend! We were just productive enough to not feel guilty about relaxing on Labor Day :) Saturday was filled with FOOTBALL as the new season begun. Our Auburn Tigers left much to be desired, but they were able to pull off a W! JD's "hetero-life mate", Jason, paid us a surprise visit on Saturday & spent the weekend with us! Jason is currently doing Marine Reserve Officer training up in Virginia, so we don't get to see him as much as we'd like! Sunday JD & I continued our search for nursery furniture for Baby Baker. I think that we finally found what we are looking for - now we just need to get the rest of the nursery / house ready before we can bring it home!
This weekend, JD's mom & dad are coming up to kick off "work week" - we are hoping to get a number of things done before next Sunday, including cleaning out & painting the nursery! BUT - we have lots to do before we can get that started, so we'll have to see!
Speaking of baby, we hit the 15 week mark last weekend!! Here is this week's update:
Your Pregnancy: Week 15 (
What You're Thinking:
"Why does this feel like it's going so fast and yet so slow all at the same time?" (A-men!!)
Your energy may have returned but that doesn't mean you should be hitting the clubs until 4:00 AM every night. With a baby growing inside you, sleep is one thing that you can't go without. Try these tricks to ensure you beat up the sheets.
If your growing belly is getting in the way of a good night's sleep, surround yourself with pillows to make for an extra-comfy nest effect. Sometimes room temperature can affect sleep, so make sure that your air conditioner is cranked up if you're feeling too hot.
Some sleeping positions are more comfortable than others for pregnant woman, like the "I'm just going to pass out on the La-Z-Boy" position. And get comfy sleeping on your left side while you're preggers: It's what the docs recommend to keep the blood flowing full steam ahead between you and the tadpole.
Your Baby
Although many women don't start feeling the baby move until the 17th week (or later), your baby has been having his own party in the amniotic sac he calls home. If you feel a little flutter in your belly this week, don't discount it as gas or hunger. It could be your babe banging around. Here's more to look forward to:
Baby's head is now resting on his well-formed neck instead of directly on his shoulders like Igor. He's beginning to grow eyebrows and eyelashes this week. (All the better to give you that "Mom, you're crazy" look when he's a teenager.) The hair on the head also begins to grow and, with some creative styling, you'll be able to turn those locks into a Maddox Jolie-Pitt faux-hawk some day.
Although baby's eyes are sealed shut, he's now able to sense light. His eyes and ears finally look like real baby features now. As your baby practices sucking and swallowing actions, he may actually hiccup. You'll know he's had one too many shots of amniotic fluid by the steady thump-thump you feel.
Over the next month, baby will grow faster than ever, so make sure you load up on enough nutritious food and fluids to support his growth. Your baby now measures nearly 4 inches, about the size of a Kit Kat "finger" (regular-size, not the Big one you get at the movies), and weighs almost 2 ounces.
Tomorrow is our sweet puppy Luna's 4th birthday! To celebrate, her *thoughtful* brother Benny planned a small family birthday party. People in attendance will be: Luna, Benny, Aja, me, JD, Katie, Dwain, Tanner, Sadie, Johnny, Pam, & Wilson. Benny was in charge of sending out the "e-vite" invitations, so I promised I would help by making a dog-friendly birthday cake for all of the pups to enjoy! I'll let you dog lovers out there know how it turns out :)
Hope that everybody has a great weekend & enjoys this autumn-like weather!!
War Eagle!
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