Wednesday, August 17, 2011

12 week Update

Hello all! Just another quick update on what's going on with the Bakers. Since my last post, one of my very best friends gave birth to her first child!!! We are so happy to welcome Caleb Joseph Giesen to the world!! Congrats to Natalie & Joey - he is absolutely perfect & the most precious baby I've ever seen!!!

As I mentioned before, we traveled to New Orleans this weekend for a long weekend getaway! It was so nice!!! Lots happening in the Crescent City this weekend - Saints pre-season game at home Friday night; Red Dress Run Saturday morning; Dirty Linen party on Royal Street Saturday night. JD's sweet mom & dad came to spend the day with us on Saturday!! We had great food, saw all of our favorite spots in the city, hung out with old friends, & did LOTS of walking around - which I was nervous about in the beginning, but I ended up feeling great!! It has inspired me to pick back up on my exercise routine back home! We knew while we were there that we wanted to get some unique art from an artist on Jackson Square that we could use in the nursery - we were able to find a couple of the most *precious* pieces!! The cute little artist even signed them after we told him it was for our baby's nursery :) I will post pictures from our trip later...

On our way home, we swung through Foley, AL to stop at a place to look for supplies for our upcoming house addition project! We were able to find a new back door & wood for the cabinets that JD & his dad are going to build to hold his music & beer brewing supplies! We were able to get some really good deals - definitely worth the trip over to Foley!

In other news, I hit the 12 week mark over the weekend!! I am continuing to feel pretty good & can start to feel my energy coming back (finally!). Here's an update on what's going on with Baby Baker this week:

Your Pregnancy: Week 12 (

What You're Thinking:
"Finally I can tell everybody that I'm not getting fat, I'm just pregnant!"

Your Baby
Baby's face is looking more human as his eyes have moved to the front of his head and his ears are in place. Hooray! Other amazing fetal highlights this week:

Your baby is able to swallow this week and practices on the amniotic fluid he or she floats in. (And you thought baby food was kind of nasty!) And in case you're wondering how your kid can breathe in all that fluid, here's your answer: Fetuses get oxygen from the blood pumped into their bodies by the placenta and don't breathe with their lungs. Mystery solved!

This is kind of gross, albeit fascinating, so feel free to skip ahead: Your baby's intestines are well under way, but they aren't all where you'd expect them to be. Instead of all being locked away in the body cavity, some are dangling on the outside, in the umbilical cord. Ewwww.

Don't forget to put a baby nail file on your registry—your little nugget's finger- and toenails are forming this week. The chin and nose are also becoming more defined.

Junior has doubled in size over the past two weeks and now weighs almost ½ ounce. He's also now around 2 ½ inches long, about the length of your pinky finger or a Vienna sausage, which, in a few months, will be indistinguishable from one another.

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